def write(self, filename):
doc = QTextDocument()
cur = QTextCursor(doc)
+ cur.movePosition(QTextCursor.Start)
defaultFormat = QTextCharFormat()
- defaultFormat.setFontPointSize(12)
+ defaultFormat.setFontPointSize(8)
+ defaultFormat.setFontFamily("Serif")
nameFormat = QTextCharFormat()
- nameFormat.setFontPointSize(12)
+ nameFormat.setFontPointSize(10)
q = QSqlQuery(self.db)
- q.exec_("SELECT * FROM people")
+ q.exec_("SELECT id FROM people")
+ rec = q.record()
+ total = 0
+ while
+ total = total + 1
+ q.exec_("SELECT * FROM people ORDER BY surname, forename")
rec = q.record()
col_id = rec.indexOf("id")
col_forename = rec.indexOf("forename")
col_photo = rec.indexOf("photo")
col_createtime = rec.indexOf("createtime")
col_mtime = rec.indexOf("mtime")
+ topFrame = cur.currentFrame()
+ n = 0
+ progress = QProgressDialog("Preparing document...", "Cancel", 0, total)
+ progress.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal)
+ progress.setMinimumDuration(0)
- # Write this record to the document
- id = q.value(col_id).toString()
- forename = q.value(col_forename).toString()
- surname = q.value(col_surname).toString()
- email = q.value(col_email).toString()
- birthday = q.value(col_birthday).toString()
- phone = q.value(col_phone).toString()
- if phone.localeAwareCompare(QString("()==")) == 0: # if they didn't put one in the DB
- phone = QString("")
- photo_bin = q.value(col_photo).toByteArray()
- photo = QImage()
- photo.loadFromData(photo_bin)
- # We probably need to normalize photo size here, or set up a QTextFrameFormat
- if photo.isNull(): # make a black photo for people without one
- photo = QImage(100,100,QImage.Format_RGB32)
- photo.fill(0)
- print "No photo for",forename,surname
- name = QString("mydata://") + id + QString(".jpg")
- doc.addResource(QTextDocument.ImageResource, QUrl(name), photo)
- imageFormat = QTextImageFormat()
- imageFormat.setName(name)
- imageFormat.setHeight(100.)
- imageFormat.setWidth(100.)
-# cur.insertImage(photo)
- cur.insertText(QString("%1 %2\n").arg(forename).arg(surname), nameFormat )
- cur.insertText(QString("%1").arg(q.value(col_email).toString()), defaultFormat)
- cur.insertImage(imageFormat, QTextFrameFormat.FloatLeft)
- cur.insertText(QString("\n") , defaultFormat)
+ table_row = []
+ while len(table_row) < 2:
+ progress.setValue(n)
+ if progress.wasCanceled():
+ progress.setValue(total)
+ return False
+ progress.setLabelText(QString("Adding %1 %2").arg(q.value(col_forename).toString()).arg(q.value(col_surname).toString()))
+ n = n + 1
+ # Write this record to the document
+ id = q.value(col_id).toString()
+ phone = q.value(col_phone).toString()
+ if phone.size() == 4: # if they didn't put one in the DB
+ phone = QString("")
+ photo_bin = q.value(col_photo).toByteArray()
+ photo = QImage()
+ photo.loadFromData(photo_bin)
+ if photo.isNull(): # make a black photo for people without one
+ photo = QImage(1,1,QImage.Format_RGB32)
+ photo.fill(0)
+ print str(QString("No photo for %1 %2").arg(q.value(col_forename).toString()).arg(q.value(col_surname).toString()))
+ else: # Shrink what is probably a ~20MB pixel buffer into something slightly more usable
+ photo = photo.scaled( 400, 400, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation)
+ name = QString("mydata://") + id + QString(".jpg")
+ doc.addResource(QTextDocument.ImageResource, QUrl(name), photo)
+ imageFormat = QTextImageFormat()
+ imageFormat.setName(name)
+ imageFormat.setHeight(99.)
+ imageFormat.setWidth(132.)
+ imageFormat.setVerticalAlignment(QTextCharFormat.AlignMiddle)
+ table_row.append({ "imageformat": imageFormat,
+ "forename": q.value(col_forename).toString(),
+ "surname" : q.value(col_surname).toString(),
+ "email" : q.value(col_email).toString(),
+ "phone" : phone,
+ "birthday" : q.value(col_birthday).toString(),
+ "dorm" : q.value(col_dorm).toString(),
+ "room" : q.value(col_room).toString() } )
+ if len(table_row) < 2:
+ if not
+ break
+ # Now table_row has either:
+ # - Two records in sequence
+ # - The lone final record
+ tableformat = QTextTableFormat()
+ tableformat.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter)
+ tableformat.setPageBreakPolicy(QTextFormat.PageBreak_AlwaysAfter)
+ table = cur.insertTable(5, 4, tableformat)
+ table.mergeCells(0,0,5,1)
+ table.mergeCells(0,2,5,1)
+ for i in xrange(len(table_row)):
+ p = table_row[i]
+ cur.insertText(QString(" "))
+ cur.insertImage(p["imageformat"], QTextFrameFormat.FloatLeft)
+ cur.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextCell)
+ cur.insertText(QString("%1 %2").arg(p["forename"]).arg(p["surname"]), nameFormat )
+ cur.movePosition(QTextCursor.Down)
+ cur.insertText(QString("%1").arg(p["email"]), defaultFormat)
+ cur.movePosition(QTextCursor.Down)
+ cur.insertText(QString("%1").arg(p["phone"]), defaultFormat)
+ cur.movePosition(QTextCursor.Down)
+ cur.insertText(QString("%1").arg(p["birthday"]), defaultFormat)
+ cur.movePosition(QTextCursor.Down)
+ cur.insertText(QString("%1 %2").arg(p["dorm"]).arg(p["room"]), defaultFormat )
+ if i == 0 and len(table_row) == 2:
+ cur = table.cellAt(0,2).firstCursorPosition()
+ else:
+ cur.setPosition(topFrame.lastPosition())
+ progress.setLabelText(QString("Writing output document (this might take a while)..."))
+ progress.setValue(total-1)
writer = QTextDocumentWriter(filename, QByteArray("odt"))
- return writer.write(doc)
+ success = writer.write(doc)
+ progress.setValue(total)
+ return success
+# Desired output
+# ------
+# | -- | forename surname
+# | |^^| | email
+# | -- | birthday
+# | /||\ | phone
+# | || | dorm, room
+# ------