typedef struct {
uchar buttons[2];
} report_t;
+typedef struct {
+ uint16_t buttons;
+} report_t;
+static report_t buttonState;
static report_t reportBuffer;
usbMsgLen_t usbFunctionSetup(uchar data[8]) {
return 0; /* default for not implemented requests: return no data back to host */
+ buttonState.buttons = pollSnes();
+void initTimer() {
+ // See section 15.11 for reference
+ // Using CTC mode (non-PWM)
+ // TCCR1A = 0b00000000 (No timer output, no PWM)
+ // TCCR1B = 0b00001010 (CTC mode, ckli_o/8)
+ // TCCR1C = 0b00000000 (No output compare)
+ TCCR1A = 0b00000000;
+ TCCR1B = 0b00001010;
+ TCCR1C = 0b00000000;
+ // {OCR1AH, OCR1AL} = 37500 = 10010010 01111100
+ // 37500 * 8 * 60 = 18MHz
+ OCR1AH = 0b10010010;
+ OCR1AL = 0b01111000;
+ // TIMSK1 = 0b00000010 (Enable interrupt on Output Compare A Match)
+ TIMSK1 = 0b00000010;
int main(void)
uchar i;
wdt_enable(WDTO_1S); // Enable watchdog with 1s reset time
/* Even if you don't use the watchdog, turn it off here. On newer devices,
* the status of the watchdog (on/off, period) is PRESERVED OVER RESET!
/* RESET status: all port bits are inputs without pull-up.
* That's the way we need D+ and D-. Therefore we don't need any
- * additional hardware initialization.
+ * additional hardware initialization on the USB side.
+ // We need to setup the pin configuration for D3, which is an output pin
+ // Set up the clock prescaler to CLKI_O/8, which gives us 2250000 ticks per second
+ // This makes 37500 such ticks give us a 60Hz signal, which is exactly how we set up
+ // the timer interrupt to poll the SNES controller
- pollSnes();
+ reportBuffer.buttons = buttonState.buttons;
/* called after every poll of the interrupt endpoint */
//DBG1(0x03, 0, 0); /* debug output: interrupt report prepared */
ldi temp2, 0xff ; for xor
- eor resL, temp2 ; Invert for negative logic
- eor resH, temp2 ; Remember, low indicates button pressed.
+ eor resL, temp2 ; Invert for negative logic - to the SNES controller,
+ eor resH, temp2 ; low indicates button pressed. To USB HID, the opposite.
ret ; return to caller
unconnected: ; Controller was disconnected