* with libusb: 0x16c0/0x5dc. Use this VID/PID pair ONLY if you understand
* the implications!
-#define USB_CFG_DEVICE_ID 0xdc, 0x05 /* = 0x05dc = 1500 */
+#define USB_CFG_DEVICE_ID 0xdf, 0x05 /* = 0x05dc = 1500 */
+// I actually use 1503, the USB HID Device ID, so I need 0x05df
/* This is the ID of the product, low byte first. It is interpreted in the
* scope of the vendor ID. If you have registered your own VID with usb.org
* or if you have licensed a PID from somebody else, define it here. Otherwise
* with libusb: 0x16c0/0x5dc. Use this VID/PID pair ONLY if you understand
* the implications!
-#define USB_CFG_DEVICE_VERSION 0x00, 0x01
+#define USB_CFG_DEVICE_VERSION 0x01, 0x00
/* Version number of the device: Minor number first, then major number.
//#define USB_CFG_VENDOR_NAME 'o', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'v', '.', 'a', 't'
-#define USB_CFG_VENDOR_NAME 'z', 'a', 'r', 'v', 'o', 'x', '.', 'm', 'm', 'l', 'x', '.', 'u', 's'
+#define USB_CFG_VENDOR_NAME 'D', 'r', 'e', 'w', ' ', 'F', 'i', 's', 'h', 'e', 'r', ' ', 'd', 'r', 'e', 'w', '.', 'm', '.', 'f', 'i', 's', 'h', 'e', 'r', '@', 'g', 'm', 'a', 'i', 'l', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm'
/* These two values define the vendor name returned by the USB device. The name
* must be given as a list of characters under single quotes. The characters
* are interpreted as Unicode (UTF-16) entities.